Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little something I worked on for Christmas

Here's a piece I worked on for my Fiancee Rebekah. I got her a book for Christmas, but the cover was so bad that I thought I'd do a new one. In the end my own cover had its own set of issues, but I thought I'd share it anyways.
In color.
In black & white.

I had a bunch of musings to post on digital coloring, the peril of pink skies (it's supposed to be dawn), and illustration as cover art, but I'm out of time and I have to go. Maybe someday.


D.Cous. said...

Thanks for posting that, Eric. It turned out quite well. For contrast, you should post a link to the book's original cover art.

L. H. Lynch said...

I think it looks fabulous, except that the shadows don't strike me as being long and drawn out enough for dawn.

Kate said...

Can I ask what the book was?

Lisa said...

I thought the idea of recreating a more pleasing book cover for your beloved was such a thoughtful idea. Good work!